dilluns, 30 d’agost del 2021


Black privilege, white guilt

"(...) Teachers in Scotland will be given 'white privilege' lessons and 'anti-racism learning resources' as part of efforts to 'decolonise' the school curriculum. (...) the Scottish government wishes to train teachers to develop the skill of dealing with ‘white fragility’. In order for Scottish teachers to be able to deal with this imagined problem, they will be given ‘white privilege lessons’ by designated experts. According to the 38-page document published by Education Scotland, teachers will be asked to take a ‘white privilege test’! Why? Because before teachers can effectively guilt trip their students about their ‘whiteness’, they need to feel uncomfortable and guilty about their own white privilege. (...) The tragic logic promoted by the doctrine of whiteness is that it turns racism into a normal and eternal fact of life. Why? Because the concept of whiteness turns racism into an unconscious act. Consequently, no light-skinned person can claim immunity from racism. Indeed, those who protest that they are not racist, or do not even perceive themselves as white, are denounced for failing to come to terms with their white privilege. In effect, whiteness serves as the equivalent of original sin, and white racism becomes an inescapable fact of life."

The new alliance between the SNP and the Greens in Scotland will have a strong impact on education. Teachers will be required to take a test on "white privilege" while children will be subjected to indoctrination over their alleged "white guilt" and "white fragility".

Being European, or in other words white, is tantamount to being automatically and inexorably blamed for racism. 

The Greens and the SNP claim to be both pro-independence. They say they want the best for Scotland. But they are instilling "white guilt" and "white fragility" in Scottish children. Subjecting them to a perverse ideology that threatens the survival of Europeans and thus of the Scots. Because these children are their future

Both parties are driven more by their far-left ideology than by their nationalism. Which, in fact, is absent in them. They use the Scottish nation-building work as a means to implement their delusional and racist ideology against Europeans.

Exactly the same as ERC, CUP and JxC do in Catalonia. Where it is only a matter of time before they imitate what they see done in Scotland.

In Scotland as in Catalonia, the recovery of nationalism is urgently needed. Independence only makes sense if it is achieved by the nationalists rather than by left-wing extremists. 

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