divendres, 13 d’agost del 2021


To remain the owner of their land, to remain the ethnic majority, is the right and duty of every worthy people. It seems, however, that this is denied to us Europeans.

Now it is the Lithuanians who are suffering the scourge of immigration. As well as those who expect them to resign themselves to being reduced to a minority in their own country

With a population of 2 million, and a low birth rate, Lithuanians are especially vulnerable to the impact of this immigration. Which has risen sharply since the beginning of the year.

The massive incursion of Iraqis, Syrians, Congolese and Cameroonians among others threatens to undermine their ethnic homogeneity and hegemony in their own country.

Lithuanians recently regained their independence. It will be a futile achievement if they end up being ethnically replaced by the masses of immigrants who break into their land.

We Catalans, who have not yet achieved the national liberation of Spain that has used and still uses immigration as a weapon to acculturate and dissolve us as a nation, are well aware of the harm it entails.

But Lithuanians have a means of defending themselves. Their State empowers them to fight this evil. This, added to their desire to survive as shown in the video, makes them able to resist it.

Finally, it is essential that Europeans make a united front of solidarity to fight immigration and, especially, against those who use it as a weapon against us. Because the peoples of Europe are an obstacle to achieving their globalist goals.

The sides are becoming increasingly defined; nationalism versus globalism. You have to take sides. If you want to secure the future for the peoples of Europe then your choice is obvious

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