"A popular Glasgow McDonald's was targeted by Afghan men looking to groom children, an ex-cop has claimed. [...] In 2020, it was reported that Police Scotland took down a large gang of asylum seekers from the Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani and Iraqi communities. [...] The gang was reported to have preyed on the young girls and had at least 44 victims, including six youngsters who were all known to each other. [...] 'These were all kids who were in care. Nothing has changed and nothing is being done because no one cares and too many people are exploiting our children.'" "Police Scotland took down large-scale asylum seeker grooming gang in Glasgow – but kept it secret. [...] All were asylum seekers from the Kurdish, Afghani, Egyptian, Moroccan, Turkish, Pakistani or Iraqi communities. [...] Operation Cerrar was kept under wraps by Police Scotland, and has now come to light after an investigation by the Daily Express." "Fight against grooming gangs hindered by fear of being branded racist, says official. [...] Grooming gangs have been used as a recruitment and publicity tool by far-right groups, and Mr O’Brien said some authorities may fear inflaming tensions."
Augmenten els casos de bandes d'immigrants racistes i violadors que abusen sexualment de menors a Escòcia i Anglaterra. Malauradament la policia sovint prioritza l'esmorteir la legítima ira popular front això, per apaivagar el racisme i l'ultradreta segons diu, a combatre qui n'abusa.
El patiment d'aquestes menors és menystingut, brandant la mateixa excusa, també per l'esquerra i el liberalisme. Qui les sacrifiquen a l'altar de la seva nefasta ideologia. Per imposar, a aquest terrible preu, la seva suposada utopia. On la dignitat i el futur dels europeus són ignorats.
Pretenen, per defugir la realitat, que tot plegat és la invenció malintencionada d'uns pocs eixelebrats. Quan els extremistes són l'esquerra i els liberals qui, per maldar de fer viable el seu sinistre experiment d'enginyeria etnocultural, ens humilien i vexen sense miraments.
Però no podem denunciar-ho, indignar-nos i encara menys actuar per deslliurar-nos-en. En ser titllats automàticament de sospitosos d'alterar la pau social. Però quina pau social? Perquè ens fan una guerra a mort on s'acarnissen contra els més indefensos sense que això els neguitegi gens.
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