dimecres, 9 de març del 2022



Nasarat Hussain, un dels immigrants racistes i violadors de menors

"A girl has been left traumatised after she was groomed and sexually abused by up to 300 men by the time she was just 17. (...) The court was told how the girl was sexually assaulted and raped by men who would continuously preyed on her. (...) Prosecutor Kate Batty told the court the girl's parents was told by social services on one occasion that 'she must love it if she keeps going back.' (...) Hussain was 17 at the time he tried to rape the girl in a bathroom at a house in Moorbottom Road, Huddersfield. The house was regularly used by a grooming gang to abuse vulnerable teenage girls from the area. (...) the abuse she suffered as a teenager has led to her suffering depression, anxiety and low self-esteem. She has also been diagnosed with PTSD (Post-Traumatic Street Disorder) and bulimia. (...) 38 men - including Hussain - had been convicted of historic sexual offences and had been handed jail sentences making a total of over 420 years. (...) Hussain had gone through a difficult childhood himself and had watched his violent beat his mother, who later went on to be hospitalised due to her mental health." 

Una altre lamentable prova de l'existència dels "grooming gangs" o bandes d'immigrants bàsicament pakistanesos racistes i violadors en grup de menors angleses.

Què pot esperar-se d'una gent que és profundament misògina i malaltíssament racista? 

Alguns babaus, també alguns malintencionats, encara pretenen que només assentar-se a la nostra terra, Anglaterra o Catalunya per exemple, deixaran de ser-ho.

Exactament el contrari del que succeeix. 

Aquest cop, tanmateix, és palesa la tendència a fer dels agressors víctimes. Només per ser immigrants d'origens aliens a Europa.

Quan el que fan és aprofitar-se de la laxitud i impunitat que gaudeixen per acarnissar-se contra les noies angleses.

Qui són abandonades per la majoria de feministes. Només perquè els seus violadors són immigrants aliens a Europa. 

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