dilluns, 23 d’agost del 2021


Ferghane Azihari

"Orpheline de la lutte des classes depuis la chute du mur de Berlin, la gauche s'engouffre dans la lutte des races. (...) idée que le succès de l'Occident et de « l'homme blanc » est usurpé (...) L'Occident s'est donc construit en dépit de l'impérialisme, non grâce à lui"

White guilt, on which decolonialism is based, is a fallacy. Decolonialism, according to which the primacy of the Europeans is as a result of the colonial sacking of other races, is based on this lie.

Decolonialism is, in short, the theoretical development of the lie of white guilt. It is used by some as a means to emotionally extort Europeans. Getting us to give in to all their demands. Even those that threaten our future.

This theory pretends to be scientific. But it is nothing more than resentment and helplessness in the face of all that the Europeans have achieved.

We can commit reprehensible acts like others, certainly, but these others have so far failed to match our achievements. 

We need to free ourselves from the burden of this extortion. Stop feeling guilty for colonialism. 

Even if it is only because recreating ourselves insanely into our supposed guilt will be of no use in relieving others of their problems.
They need to take responsibility for these rather than blame us for them.

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