dimarts, 17 d’agost del 2021



"A Racial Civil War — A Novelty in the West 

History is unpredictable and holds many surprises; and yet in 1913 and 1938, it was perfectly possible to predict the outbreak of a war. Most people were, in fact, preparing for one. Today, the same kind of tension is felt everywhere, the same intuition pointing to a future disaster. Several books and innumerable articles in the written press or on the web mention the prospect of a very imminent war in Europe, and especially in France — a war of a new type that would upset all our ways of life, a civil war that would no longer involve states. It would, instead, be a civil war of unprecedented nature: a racial civil war. It is a type of confrontation that Europe has never really experienced, and which the United States has only faced to a limited extent, almost imperceptibly, with the eruption of community riots. 

(…) Some will object, saying that during the period stretching from the eighth century in France to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Spain and the Balkans (and all the way to Vienna, even), Europeans were faced with the presence of Arab and Turkish-Muslim invaders and occupiers, whom they eventually managed to drive back as part of a Reconquista movement that ended with the liberation of Greece in the early nineteenth century. 

True enough, but at the time, the invaders did not enjoy such demographic superiority, and they were perceived as foreign occupiers with their own army — just like the Germans in France during the last war. They were not, as is the case today, increasingly hostile and Islamised populations that have oftentimes been granted the nationality of European countries (a supremely horrific development) and have embedded themselves in the fabric of our societies. The above-mentioned wars were all wars of liberation waged against foreign armies in order to expel the invaders, and not, in fact, civil wars."

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