Suontaka warrior |
"(...) A raíz de este último hallazgo, historiadores de Universidad de Turku han reabierto el debate sobre el género de este individuo en un artículo publicado por la revista 'European Journal of Archaeology', en el que defienden que el protagonista de esta historia, en los albores de la Edad Media, fue un pionero que desafió las creencias tradicionales sobre los roles de género y que disfrutó de una avanzada aceptación social."
Researchers don’t seem concerned that this is speculation due to the lack of conclusive evidence. They don’t care that the genetic code is badly damaged.
They don't care so much about scientific rigour as about putting science at the service of an ideology that has unleashed a devastating cultural war across Europe.
Finally, it is interesting to note that this supposed sexually ambiguous individual is celebrated as a great and charismatic warrior. If he had been a man then he would be, on the contrary, just for being a warrior, another example of despicable toxic masculinity.
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